I will say I am proud to be the coach of such excellent students. Watching them compete with poise and dignity was quite an experience for me. I read their faces all day long and saw the many emotional ups and downs from the effects of competing and trying so hard.
We also had so many parents, friends and family present. "Thank you" to them for supporting us.

On 1/29/06 I was at the ocean oddessy official compitition in Manhatan. We wore these costumes that looked like we just cleaned an oil spill and everyone loved it. We also wore caps that were custom made by our coaches and they looked great to. For me it took a while getting used to the costumes. When we started the compitition (at 10:08 or something like that)we didn't do so well(Gary and I). At first we got 142 then we got 212 then 222 and then the last round we got 212. At the end we came in 8th place, which was really good. We got 8th out of 70. One award Gary and I won was 3rd place in robot design this again was out of 70. At the end it wasn't realy about winning but about learning and having fun. Another cool thing is a camera was following us all day I bet eveyone else was jelous. Now I am happy the compitition is over because now we can have mini compititions against our coaches.
From, Robert
im really happpy for you guys you did good at the competition even though you got beat who cares you did your best.
Thanks to Mr. Wright for a great effort this weekend and for inviting me to be a part of the team. I really enjoyed particpating and watching our teams reach such success in only our second year! The pictures look great!!
It was certainly a proud moment for our school! You guys were fabulous!
The only thing left to say is... Watch out next year St. Claires!!
Congratulation for that prize!
Hi. I'm very proud of you, guys. I'm glad that we got so much points. I hope we win the next chalenge!
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