Thursday, January 12, 2006


Check back for more updates from Europe. Norm, Dan, Steve and Fred are waiting for a connecting flight to Spain. Mucho Latte!

We will contact Xose, the principal of the school in Carnota as soon as we unpack.

It's 11:00am here and 5:00am NY time.
See you later.


Anonymous said...

I think that its really cool of you to go to Spain to teach the kids Lego Robotics. Just too bad I can't talk to you through Skype.

Your #1 student,

Robert said...

Over the weekend not only did my mom and I translate the answers to our questions on the research blog but we also found websites for different oil clean-up companies. Also, we found a website on which a teacher who teaches English in Spain puts on narrative accounts of her students about different issues. There was an entry about the Prestige oil spill that Eugene and I have printed out today. Also, we are in the process of putting our translated answers into a word document.