Today at 4:oopm the long awaited Lego Smackdown happens. Mr. Wright/Mr. Daly take on the work groups to practice for competing at the FLL tournament.
This blog will contain information about the Lego-Robotics class at IS 93 at Ridgewood (Queens), NY. It will also contain information, sometimes general-sometimes specific, about technology and how teachers and students at IS 93 can improve student achievement. Fred Wright is an art teacher and technology coach at IS 93.
The smackdown really suprised me. I thought the teacher's were going to win. I really enjoyed it thanks Mr.Wright
The smackdown was very exciting. I think it is great practice for our competition tomorrow.
Mr.Wright I could'nt go that day because I had dance but i really wanted to go Gabby told me that you and Mr.Daily won them
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