Lego Robotics Class Activities
Focus: Build and Program a robot to complete one of the missions of the June 9th Queen's Tournament.
Some groups are reporting that:
"Our group is building a robot to solve the Mountain Climber mission."
"My group is building a robot to solve the ball game."
"Our group is attempting to build a robot with a claw to solve the Ballgame mission."
Here is a Checklist for a Completed Robot:
Are you using the RCX or NXT?
Components: Chassis, Claw/Plow/Arm, Gear Train, other significant features?
Is the chassis completed? Is the Arm or Plow completed? Is the Gear Train appropriate for the mission and is it completed?
What is the team's idea?
Is the building completed?
Is there a plan for the programming?
Has any testing taken place? And if so, how has the design or programming changed?
Did the changes improve the performance of the robot or reduce the effectiveness of the robot?
Teams will be asked to run practice missions on the competition table next Friday. Your team will talk about the mission they chose before running a practice mission. After the mission has been run, students will discuss the success of the practice session.
Lunch-time periods are open for extra building and programming time. Check 301 for availability.